In a dream roughly seven years ago I found myself standing in what looked like a large underground subway station. The room I was in was dank with pieces of garbage strewn around a massive stone floor. Something about the scene was deeply eerie and troubling to my spirit, but all I saw in front of me was a huge tiled wall with greenish squares. The portion of the wall I stood before was actually a corner, where two sides of the wall met at a right angle. As I looked at the wall a deep sense of fear unlike anything I have ever felt struck through the core of my being, and the ‘wall’ dissolved away to reveal a giant creature that I can only describe as a ‘dragon’. The term ‘dragon’ is actually a flattering description for what I saw, because this ‘creature’ was an utterly distorted mess that lacked any real form or symmetry. It appeared to be a twisted red mass with many tentacle-like appendages that terminated with ‘heads’. The heads were the most defined characteristics of the creature. I realized that what I stood before was the Kingpin of this world, Satan himself.
I heard the sound of ‘sloshing’ or liquid underneath the beast, and realized to my horror that it was ‘bathing’ in human blood. It was as if it was being nourished through a continual supply of slaughtered humanity – and my stomach was sickened as I beheld the living portrait of all things evil. The creature then began to ‘speak’ – but its language was unlike any human language. The vocalization that it produced sounded like pipes from an organ – but the ‘notes’ were exclusively ‘flats’. If you were to press the flat keys of a piano in random sequence that is what it sounded like. In the dream somehow I was able to understand what the creature was saying: it was communicating to other unseen powers its plan for humanity. The plan revolved around human sexuality.
The words of the creature were something to the effect of, “We will give them what they want… their desire for love through touch…” Immediately following I saw an image of prostitution and violence. The plan of Satan was clear – he would give humanity a distorted version of a legitimate desire, and in so doing fuel the violence and blood he craves. I would never have made a connection between the blood under the beast and human sexuality – and the creature with one of its heads lurched out to snap at me when the dream ended. It was only sometime after the dream that I remembered that Satan is described as a red dragon in Revelation chapter 12.
In the few short years since that dream, our society like never before has become flooded with sexuality. In the past pornography was something that people had to make very deliberate steps to access, but now it is literally only a few clicks away for just about everyone on the earth. Beyond the internet, our television and media is saturated with sexuality and sexual images. To a large degree the human body is no longer presented as a container for souls, but as an object for our own gratification. Pornography trains us to view one another as hollow soulless entities, and once we view one another as objects instead of souls: the door is opened for unspeakable violence on the earth. Beyond that, there is nothing like sexual immorality to harden people’s hearts to God. Convinced that their behavior is ‘love’, people are willing to trade Love Himself for a shallow and self serving sin.
The ‘love’ that Satan has offered us is really no different than ‘lust’ – and the very nature of lust, or strong desire is that it is never satisfied. People often enter into relationships out of a desire to satisfy a personal desire instead of genuine love for a soul, and once the desire is satisfied there is no longer any basis for a relationship. Aside from the physical violence that our culture’s distorted sexuality has produced, the emotional violence and brokenness it has produced in the hearts of others is unmistakable. The greatest lie our culture has spun is that our hedonistic ways are purely personal activities that hurt nobody – lust kills hearts. As Christians we MUST turn from the things that are destroying ourselves and the society around us. It is idolatry as well, and repentance is critical (Colossians 3:5). There has never been more temptation around us than now, but God has told us we have been given everything we need for a life of godliness. (2 Peter 1:3).